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Last week I was in New Orleans for the NeurIPS2022 conference -the first one of my PhD, due to the pandemic-. This post is just a summary of the talks and keynotes I attended:


  • Youshua Bengio, A Deep Learning Journey

  • Prasanna Sattigeri, Uncertainty quantification for AI decision making

  • Wolfgang M. Pauli, Sparse annotation strategies at scale

  • Fedor Zhdanor, Human-in-the-loop is here to stay

2. Keynotes

  • David Chalrmers, Could large language models be conscious?

  • Rediet Abebe, Algorithms on the bench

  • Emmanuel Candes, Conformed prediction in 2022

  • Juho Kim, Interaction-centric AI

  • Isabelle Guyon, The data-centric era

  • Geoff Hinton, The forward-forward algorithm for training neural networks
